There are a number of serious cybersecurity risks that could completely destroy your network. Whether you are in charge of a large corporation or a tiny startup, you must take proactive steps to safeguard your business from these dangers. Alexander Cybersecurity talks about why these risks are so serious in this blog post, as well as how to stop them from infecting your system.


The most dangerous threats to cybersecurity

A catastrophe can sometimes be unavoidable, particularly given the growing significance of internet usage. Even though the internet is a useful informational network, it can quickly turn into a hostile environment. Cyber disasters can occur at any time and from almost any direction. Passwords, business plans, financial information, and any other sensitive data could be among your most valuable assets that you risk losing. You may one day find yourself in the crossfire of cyber dangers – that is why people often employ the best cybersecurity companies in Kansas City for added protection.

It’s critical that you educate yourself on these important cyber hazards to protect your network:



Were you aware that there are capacity restrictions on your website? Although driving a lot of traffic to your website is important, there is such a thing as too much traffic. Too many people accessing the same webpage at once may cause the website to become overloaded and have to crash. These problems are typically caused by denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, which is another reason why people often hire one of the best cybersecurity companies in Kansas City to protect their data.

DoS attacks occur when a hacker bombards a target server with multiple requests. The server becomes overloaded processing and attempting to authenticate the requestor due to the influx of unauthorized requests. This prevents users from submitting online service requests as a result.

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are another variation of this type of attack. While the goal is the same, the attack is done slightly differently. The hacker uses several malware-infected devices to help create spam requests rather than using their system to send fraudulent requests.



If the CEO of your company sent you a random email, how would you respond? It’s likely that you would open it feeling hurried, confused, and afraid. That’s the phishing scammers’ goal. Hackers use this kind of social engineering attack to trick unsuspecting users by assuming the identity of reliable companies or people in positions of authority.

Be cautious when opening emails that seem suspicious, whether they are from your employer, a financial institution, or another source. A manipulative call to action (CTA) urging you to click on a link or download a file might be included in the scam. These are most likely just malware traps designed to get into your network. Phishing attacks affected up to 75% of organizations globally in 2020.

Establishing email filters in your inbox that can detect and report suspicious emails is the best defense against phishing. In some cases, these messages can make it past your filter, requiring you to do the hard work yourself. Ask your IT help desk to look into any suspicious messages you receive. Additionally, the best cybersecurity companies in Kansas City recommend being alert for telltale indicators such as misspelled words in the text and address or calls to action to download files or follow links.


Best Cybersecurity Companies in Kansas City



The best cybersecurity companies in Kansas City explain that Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks happen when an unauthorized third party intercepts communication between two users. Attackers are able to access information shared in what appears to be a private conversation when this kind of cryptography occurs. The fact that users are made to feel as though the attacker is a reliable agent tasked with forwarding information to the appropriate source exacerbates the situation.

Rather, the “man-in-the-middle” is essentially eavesdropping and gathering private information they believe is important for their own benefit. It’s likely that this information won’t ever make it to the person on the other end of your conversation once the hacker has taken it.

Unfortunately, it can be challenging to identify MitM attacks. A MitM attack may go undiscovered until it’s too late unless you’re actively monitoring your communications to see if anything was intercepted. Setting up tamper protection software with Alexander Cybersecurity that can help deter this type of attack.



The best cybersecurity companies in Kansas City explain that all forms of malicious software intended to damage or take advantage of a computer system are collectively referred to as malware. A hacker may be able to take complete control of your network, depending on the malware and the items that are infected. This implies that they have the authority to seize your most private belongings.

Some of the most commons types of malware include:

  • Ransomware
  • Trojan horse programs
  • Computer viruses
  • Spyware
  • Rootkits
  • Logic bombs
  • Worms
  • Droppers



The best cybersecurity companies in Kansas City explain that this isn’t your grandparents’ yearly “happy birthday” greeting. This poses a risk and has some of the worst possible outcomes. These deceptive algorithms are widespread on the internet and stem from a message digest (MD)—a flawed hash function. Hackers use questionnaires as a means of conducting birthday message attacks. The hacker gets access to critical data sets that victims are tricked into giving them, giving them the leverage they need to take over your network. Get professional incident response services in Kansas City to help if you have a hacker issue.


Best Cybersecurity Companies in Kansas City



Ever consider how malicious software infiltrates a website? It operates differently from a conventional malware attack. The likelihood is that you were the target of a drive-by attack if your website is rife with malware.

The best cybersecurity companies in Kansas City explain that drive-by attacks involve the insertion of malicious scripts into the HTTP code of specific webpages by hackers. As soon as users land on that specific page, these scripts—which are malware traps—get started. You should minimize the amount of plug-ins on your computer in order to prevent drive-by attacks, which can be started by almost any web-based activity.



Brute-force attacks, in which hackers attempt to guess your password as many times as possible in order to obtain it, make it easy to steal passwords. If your passwords are encrypted, you can do this. It’s crucial that you use strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and account lockout systems to keep outsiders out of your network or get incident response services in Kansas City.



At Alexander Cybersecurity, we offer premium managed security services in Kansas City. We are a valuable resource to have on your side when it comes to cybersecurity. We are here to make sure that no cyberthreat can affect your network. Set up a complimentary security assessment, to see if our vCISO advisory services in Kansas City are what your business needs.


Alexander Cybersecurity Solutions – Cloud Security Technology in Kansas City

Cybersecurity is an ever-changing field. New technology, threats, viruses, and system vulnerabilities appear every day. Our experts have the training, experience, and tools to protect your assets. We offer managed security services in Kansas City, incident response services in Kansas City, cloud security technology in Kansas City, and much more. Contact us today for additional information and pricing.



We believe in the power of legacy while we embrace the promise of the future.

At ACS, we believe that every organization deserves affordable, corporate-quality cybersecurity. We bring world-class experts with decades of experience to work on your behalf—at prices you can afford. Our professionals safeguard your critical assets, protect your sensitive data, and mitigate potential threats.


Best Cybersecurity Companies in Kansas City

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