Cloud Security Technology in Kansas City by Alexander Cyber Security–The need for cyber security with Kansas City managed security services is greater than ever as we move deeper into the digital era. Since many business applications and data are being moved into the cloud, threat actors and cybercriminals view the cloud as a prime target. It’s time you started giving your cloud security more thought if you haven’t already.

Defining Cloud Security

The primary goal of the cybersecurity field, known as “cloud security,” is to safeguard the cloud. The collection of security policies, guidelines, procedures, and technologies that work together to secure cloud-based systems and applications is also known as cloud security technology in Kansas City.

Due to the growing dependence of businesses of all sizes on cloud environments, cloud security is becoming increasingly important. Employees’ use of a range of smart devices to work remotely has greatly increased the “attack surface” of cyber threats, in addition to the fact that business data, customer information, and other valuable data assets are entrusted to cloud storage.

Five distinct domains comprise cloud security technology in Kansas City: identity and access management (IAM), governance, data retention and business continuity, legal compliance, and data security. While it is ideal to give each of the five areas equal weight, it is also wise to concentrate on the most vulnerable area of your company.

Cloud Security Technology in Kansas CityHOW SECURE IS THE CLOUD EXACTLY?

You might wonder, given all the worries about cloud security technology in Kansas City, how secure is the cloud as it currently exists. The simple explanation for this is that not all clouds are made equally. You can be certain that you are working in a secure cloud environment when you use the services of the largest cloud service providers available today, including Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and a few more.

The best and most secure technologies are used by these top cloud providers to ensure the protection of all customer data and applications stored on their servers. Maybe this also applies to other less well-known cloud computing options. For instance, cloud storage is built with maximum security in mind, encrypting and redundantly storing data.

Therefore, the majority of cloud environments are safe as is. On the other hand, you can do better than just giving a third-party provider access to your data, files, and applications. Every business is ultimately accountable for its own data.

Why is it imperative to improve cloud security technology in Kansas City?

The following six factors indicate why businesses should take action to guarantee cloud security:

There are far too many instances of data breaches. Enterprises still have to deal with the threat of data breaches on a daily basis, even with all the policies and technologies in place to protect the cloud. Recent IBM research indicates that by this year, the average cost of a data breach is predicted to soar to US$4.35 million.

Of course, one thing you would want to avoid is having to pay millions of dollars—or even just thousands of dollars—to deal with the fallout from a security breach and data loss prevention in Kansas City. But that’s not the only thing. Additionally, there is the risk of a high employee turnover rate, harm to your company’s reputation, and a decline in customer trust.

The new norm for work is remote work. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies are standard in many businesses, and remote working—or at least its hybrid form—is here to stay. This implies that workers access company apps and data from almost anywhere and use a combination of work and personal devices.


Cloud Security Technology in Kansas City

Cloud security technology in Kansas City makes it easier to enforce improved remote work management. To reduce the risk of malware and other security threats, organizations can implement mobile device management best practices and identity and access management solutions.

It’s crucial to keep up regulatory compliance. Today, almost every business handles customer data in one way or another, so it should come as no surprise that data compliance laws and acronyms (like HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, etc.) are strictly enforced and that new laws and acronyms are created virtually annually.

It would be in your best interest to ensure the security of your data in the cloud because noncompliance with these standards could result in large fines. However, keep in mind that the main purpose of these data compliance laws is to safeguard consumers, workers, and companies at large rather than to force businesses to pay up.

Models of threat are always changing. Although cloud providers place a high priority on cloud security, hackers are always waiting for the right opportunity to strike, and cyber threats are constantly evolving. Using security cloud solutions to protect your systems and data can help reduce the risk.

Kansas City managed security services techniques that might not depend on the cloud itself include data encryption and identity authentication. Security and privacy of data can be maintained even in the event that the cloud provider is hacked.

A key component of cloud security is awareness. Businesses have learned the hard way that inadequate cloud security isn’t the only cause of security breaches. Another important component is staff ignorance, which leads to poor security practices. These consist of using unsafe downloads, creating weak passwords, and not being able to spot phishing and social engineering scams. For this reason, every cyber security framework used by businesses should include security training.

Every organization needs business continuity and disaster recovery, or BCDR. If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that being prepared for anything can happen at any time. Businesses that had previously implemented a remote working policy and cloud solution were the first to resume operations in spite of the situation. In addition to having backup systems and data in place, a secure cloud also has a quick and dependable way to restore data in the event of an emergency.


There are now more reliable cloud providers than ever thanks to the rapid advancements in the cloud environment. To make sure you have everything covered, it’s also essential to assume responsibility for Kansas City cloud managed security services. There are numerous ways to achieve this; a few of them include using cloud security software, purchasing the newest cloud storage technologies, and assigning a cloud operations manager to manage your systems.



Cloud Security Technology in Kansas City


Alexander Cybersecurity Solutions – Cloud Security Technology in Kansas City  

Cybersecurity is an ever-changing field. New technology, threats, viruses, and system vulnerabilities appear every day. Our experts have the training, experience, and tools to protect your assets. We offer managed security services in Kansas City, incident response services in Kansas City, cloud security technology in Kansas City, and much more. Contact us today for additional information and pricing.    

We believe in the power of legacy while we embrace the promise of the future.   

At ACS, we believe that every organization deserves affordable, corporate-quality cybersecurity. We bring world-class experts with decades of experience to work on your behalf—at prices you can afford. Our professionals safeguard your critical assets, protect your sensitive data, and mitigate potential threats.  

  Cloud Security Technology in Kansas City


Alexander Cybersecurity Solutions


Cutting-edge cybersecurity services for small and medium-sized businesses.  


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